Internal Policy
These rules determine the accommodation terms and conditions, as well as the rights and obligations of the guests at Dysnos Avenue Apartments operated by RENESANSO PROJEKTAI, UAB, legal entity code 304067608, address Dysnos st. 7 Vilnius. Each person who has checked in at the apartamentsis considered to have familiarised himself / herself with these rules and have committed to comply with them, as well as has to have the persons arriving together familiarised with these rules and ensure that the latter comply with them.
- The initial booking (inquiry) of the hotel services may be made by phone, e-mail or other sales channels. The apartaments booking is deemed to have taken place only after the Operator has received payment for the entire period booked. Upon receipt of the payment for the period booked, the hotel booking confirmation notice is sent to the guests.
- The services ordered must be fully paid for no later than within 3 calendar days from the time of the initial booking (inquiry) or within another time limit specified in the initial booking confirmation notice received from the Operator. Where the guest fails to make the payment for all the services ordered within the specified time limit, the initial booking shall be cancelled.
- Check-in on the date of arrival to the hotel is from 15:00, and check-out on the date of departure is up to 12:00 (noon). If available, and upon harmonising the issue with the Operator’s administration in advance, guests may be subject to a free of charge late check-out (up to 14:00) or an extra late check-out (up to 18:00) for an additional payment.
- Guests must present a valid personal ID document and fill in the guest’s registration card for registration at the hotel. Regardless of the payer making payments for the services, an adult, who must present his / her personal identity document.
- The Operator shall have the right to remove from the apartaments persons whose behaviour is unsafe or inappropriate, may pose threat to the safety of other guests or the Operator’s property and is incompatible with the recreation complex concept, moral principles or other generally established standards of public conduct and public order.
- The guests who arrive with pets be admitted and accommodated in the apartaments. The pets must be leashed at all times when in the area of the recreation complex, and it is strictly forbidden to let the pets run freely in the recreation complex area. It is strictly forbidden to allow your pets pooping on the ornamental plants and flowers growing in the area. The pet owners must immediately remove their pets’ faeces. A fine of EUR 30 shall apply for the failure to comply with the requirement provided for in this item of the rules.
- Guests of the apartaments must observe the order, good morals, publicly acceptable norms of behaviour and not violate the rights of the Operator’s staff and other guests of the hotel, as well as public order, by their actions and behaviour. Where necessary, Operator’s staff shall have the right to call for the assistance of the police and / or security services.
- Guests must avoid making noise and disturbing the rest of other hotel guests during quiet hours (22:00 to 7:00).
- In the event of failure of any apartament room devices, equipment or inventory items, damage to property, etc., guests must notify the Operator’s staff immediately but not later than within 1 hour. In the event of failure of any hotel room devices, equipment or inventory items, it is strictly prohibited to use them. The Operator shall not be liable for the damage caused to the guests or other persons due to the use of faulty devices, equipment or any other kind of malfunctioning inventory items of the hotel room.
- Any registered hotel guest shall be responsible for the behaviour and compliance with these rules of all persons actually living in the room registered under his / her name.
- Guests have to compensate for the damage caused by their actions / omissions to the Operator’s property or property interests and third parties, including the loss of income of the Operator, in accordance with the procedure established by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania. The compensation for the damage caused to the Operator is the responsibility of the adult registered in the apartament room. Where necessary, Operator’s staff shall have the right to call for the assistance of the police and / or security services.
- When leaving the room, guests must unplug all electrical appliances, close the windows, make sure that all water taps are off.
- Smoking in any indoor premises of the hotel (rooms and common areas). A fine of EUR 50 shall apply for smoking in the indoor premises of the hotel.
- Remove towels, blankets, bedding or other hotel room items from the hotel rooms.
- Safety requirements